WHEN THE WORLD STARTS... Quando il mondo comincia...

I d12 continuano........

  • Messaggi
    Post: 19
    Città: MILANO
    Età: 31
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 13/05/2006 13:52
    The show will go on.

    Denaun Porter of the Detroit rap outfit D12, which includes Eminem, says the group will continue to make music, including a D12 album that's in the works, despite the death of their friend and bandmate Proof.

    "If people think that because he's not here we're not going to keep doing what we're doing, then they're wrong," says Porter, also known as Kon Artis.

    Proof was killed last month at C.C.C., an after-hours nightspot on Detroit's east side. Keith Bender Jr. also was shot at the club that night and later died. Police are continuing to investigate the shootings.

    The kinks are still being worked out with the new D12 album; the group won't resume recording until group member Swift, who is in jail for a probation violation relating to a previous impaired driving incident, is released. The group expects to record again in June.

    The album could include guest appearances by Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Busta Rhymes and G-Unit.

    The group will be using verses already recorded by Proof, Porter says.

    "We're just taking the record to the next level," Porter says. "We had some songs recorded already. We got a song called 'Holding Our Own' that we recorded and Proof is on that song."

    Another album by Proof will also be released later this year. A few months back he wrote and recorded an album in 24 hours; it will be called "Time Will Tell."


    in poke parole dice ke Kon Astis ha dichiarato che il gruppo continuera' a fare musica, compreso l'album a cui stanno lavorando.

    "Se la gente pensa che abbiamo smesso di fare musica perchè Proof non è qui si stà sbagliando" queste le parole di Kon Artis.

    Il gruppo per ora non registrera' finche' Switf non esce da prigione ma ha in programma di riprendere i lavori a Giugno.
    'album includera' collaborazioni di Dre, 50 cent, rime di Busta e G-Unit.
    I D12 utilizzeranno inoltre i versi già registrati da Proof, Kon Artis dice
    che hanno gia' realizzato una song "Holding Our Own" dove sono presenti versi di Proof.
    Un'altro album di Proof sara' rilasciato entro la fine dell'anno e si intitolera': Time Will Tell."

    nn vedo l'ora di sentirloooooooooo Brdsindisi Sorsdgs [SM=g27811]

    "EvEr WoNdEr At WhAt pOiNt We'Ve GoT tO SaY "fUcK iT"? wHeN wE'vE gOt StOp LiViNg Up HeRe AnD sTaRt LiViNg DoWn HeRe?"

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    Post: 7.400
    Città: NAPOLI
    Età: 32
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 13/05/2006 22:27
    Ho letto la notizia, e mi fa molto piacere. Non vedo l'ora di sentire il nuovo lavoro. Ma se Eminem parteciperà poco, e Proof non c'è, sarà un floop.