00 23/05/2007 18:45
Eminem Previews Cashis' The County Hound EP
Mon 5/21 8:00 pm ET

It's the latest edition of the "Personal Preview Special!" Shade 45 boss Eminem is going to be previewing the debut release by Shady Records artist Cashis, The County Hound EP. Em exec produced the album, and produced four of the tracks on the album. Don't miss this chance to get a first listen to one of the most anticipated releases of the year.

Rebroadcast: May 22 at 12 midnight & 3 pm; May 24 at 12 midnight; May 27 at 5 pm

be visto che e' stato gia' stato trasmesso questo special speriamo di trovare presto l'audio in rete! [SM=g27811]